Kamis, 31 Maret 2011

Alicia's Funding

Dear Friends,

As of 28th  March 2011, Alicia's hospital bill had accumulated to a total sum of
Rp 230,000,000,- this means that the team's financial resources had been cut down to more than 93 percent of the total donation amount previously accumulated .

If you feel led to give please do so by transffering the funds to BCA Account Number : 505 500 6544 under the Name : Titik Yuni Wulandari.

This account was set up for Alicia. Thus all fundings received on this account will all be given for Alicia- specifically to fund her Medical Bills.

Thank you so much for your generosity.

Rabu, 30 Maret 2011

21st March 2011

After much prayer, Alicia’s organs seemed to respond in  a positive way.
She is urinating more frequently indicating that her kidneys are recovering. The IV tube via the nose had been removed as of yesterday and She can start eating porridge.

If Alicia’s creatine and albumen levels improves . Alicia can safely move back to kelas 3 and begin physiotheraphy sessions.

Please continue to Pray for Alicia and her Family. God Bless.

Selasa, 22 Maret 2011

18th March 2011

18th March 2011 had proven to be a very tough day for Alicia's family. Alicia's Blood Pressure was so low that it cannot be read by the Blood Pressure Monitors . Later on , on the day the monitor shown that Alicia's Blood Pressure was 40.

Alicia and her siblings.
(Alicia had an additional machine implanted on her left lung to pump air out of the lung)
The doctors decided to increase Alicia's medication in the hope to stabilize Alicia and to get her Blood Pressure up to 80 or even to 100.

With prayers from Christian friends her blood pressure did reach 80 on that day.

On a side note: It was extremely tough for Alicia's family to see Alicia's sufferings. Her siblings who takes turns in watching over her had gone through an emotional roller coaster ride. Please do remember to lift up Alicia's siblings in your prayers. Moto, Lili and Edwin. Also Ka Nin and Wulan.

Selasa, 15 Maret 2011

Please continue to pray for Alicia's heart

Dear  friends of Alicia.

Please continue to pray for Alicia's heart.

She is now into her third day in ICU after her pacemaker implant - Implant was done on March 12th 2011 by Dr Munawar (Head Surgeon of Former President Soeharto)

Her upper BP reading is still low in the 80s. Alicia's BP need to be between 90 to 100 for her to be out of ICU.

Alicia at RS jantung Binawaluya
Face and Body swollen due to respiratory problem 

Please also pray that the additional complications arising from heart namely her gall bladder (blocked) & liver (hepatitis) will receive our Lord's healing grace.

We wish to thank all of you  on behalf of Alicia for your prayers and donations.

Please continue to pray that Alicia's fund is sufficient (as her funding is still way below the budget); for Alicia's implant medical costs & recently with added medical complications costs. Within 3 months time an expense report will be placed on IES bulletin board .

Please include a special prayer for all the volunteers & IES staff for their tireless support in last weekend Cake sale.

On behalf of Alicia's heart and family, God Bless You all for your generous Caring & Giving Hearts for 'Helping Thy Neighbour'

Sabtu, 05 Maret 2011

Help Save Alicia

Alicia with her friends

Alicia has always been a vibrant and lively teen. As the youngest of four siblings, Alicia is particularly loved by her brothers and sister.
Alicia’s sister, Lili, is an active International English Service (IES Church) singer and is part of Puri Casablanca Life Group.

Alicia with her family
Alicia’s father had passed away many years ago. Alicia’s mother has been stationed in the USA, working, in order to make ends meet.

Alicia’s heart condition was first surfaced in April 2009.
It’s diagnosed as Congestive Heart Failure caused by Dilated cardiomyopathy with unknown virus.
It is a condition in which the heart becomes weakened and enlarged, and it cannot pump blood efficiently. The decreased heart function can affect the lungs, liver, and other body systems.

In short Alicia’s body does not receive sufficient blood to meet its needs. This causes Alicia to have constant shortness of breath.
Due to financial constraints, the families were only able to make some medical consultations.

Since 2009 to present day, Alicia has also been in and out of Harapan Kita Hospital for numerous of times and is currently confined to a wheel chair as walking more than a few paces has proven to cause too much strain on her heart.

As Alicia's health is deteriorating fast.The best option for Alicia is to have a pacemaker implant. And hopefully a heart transplant. Hence Alicia's heart is performing only at 15% of capacity.

Please Support Alicia's cause and make a contribution today.

BCA IDR Account Titik Yuni Wulandari
Account Number 505 500 6544
Please Note For ALICIA
To view Alicia's Video click HERE