Sabtu, 05 Maret 2011

Help Save Alicia

Alicia with her friends

Alicia has always been a vibrant and lively teen. As the youngest of four siblings, Alicia is particularly loved by her brothers and sister.
Alicia’s sister, Lili, is an active International English Service (IES Church) singer and is part of Puri Casablanca Life Group.

Alicia with her family
Alicia’s father had passed away many years ago. Alicia’s mother has been stationed in the USA, working, in order to make ends meet.

Alicia’s heart condition was first surfaced in April 2009.
It’s diagnosed as Congestive Heart Failure caused by Dilated cardiomyopathy with unknown virus.
It is a condition in which the heart becomes weakened and enlarged, and it cannot pump blood efficiently. The decreased heart function can affect the lungs, liver, and other body systems.

In short Alicia’s body does not receive sufficient blood to meet its needs. This causes Alicia to have constant shortness of breath.
Due to financial constraints, the families were only able to make some medical consultations.

Since 2009 to present day, Alicia has also been in and out of Harapan Kita Hospital for numerous of times and is currently confined to a wheel chair as walking more than a few paces has proven to cause too much strain on her heart.

As Alicia's health is deteriorating fast.The best option for Alicia is to have a pacemaker implant. And hopefully a heart transplant. Hence Alicia's heart is performing only at 15% of capacity.

Please Support Alicia's cause and make a contribution today.

BCA IDR Account Titik Yuni Wulandari
Account Number 505 500 6544
Please Note For ALICIA
To view Alicia's Video click HERE